
Donations to the Open Wall help us maintain and improve our website, allowing us to continue giving a voice to young people in addressing issues of global significance.

Make a…

$5 donation – $5 will help us continue to pay for our domain, and possibly allow us to purchase domains for sister websites (such as Open Wall Multimedia).

$10 donation – $10 will help us continue to pay for our web host to keep our website up and running.

$20 donation$20 will help us pay for greater storage space, making sure that we can continue to upload articles and allowing us greater freedom with Multimedia.

$50 donation $50 will go a long way to help us pay for a new website design that helps us keep delivering as many articles as possible.

$100 donation $100 will help us make our website much easier to use for both users and writers, allowing us to have a larger audience and more articles!

$ ____ donation depends on how much you donate!

Thank you. Your donation is making a difference.

Remember, even something small

…can make a massive difference!

Donations are made entirely through PayPal and are completely secure